Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Lazy Sunday Afternoons

Or not. The sun is shining with a light breeze building. I’d like to do nothing better than to loll about and play with fibers. Unfortunately, the cupboards are bare and the laundry basket is full. Nothing like harsh reality drop you back to earth in a hard thud.

Breeze Tee

Just to show that I have been able to get a little knitting done. Here’s a picture of the lack of progress I’ve been making on the Breeze Tee. I was at the arm hole decreases when I realized that I miscounted somewhere along the way. I ripped it back to the ribbing and here’s how far I’ve gotten.

On top of that are my Caruso socks. One sock is just right, but the other is too tight. Although they were knitted with the same yarn, same needles, and the same number of cast ons, I was so stressed with the move that I knitted the second sock too tight. The gauge on the socks? 15 sts = 2″ vs. 16 sts = 2″. Just that one stitch per 2″ was enough to reduce the circumference of the sock from 7.5 inches to 7 inches (over 56 stitches). Now, just think what that would do to a sweater? Always, always check your gauge!

Now, I have half a mind to rip, not just the too-tight sock, but both of them, so that I can ensure that I have a matching pair. We’ll see how I feel after I finish the Breeze Tee (and which half of my mind wins).


Curve Balls


Frog: 3, Ann: 0

1 Comment

  1. kate

    Ack! Don’t rip them both at once! Rip the tight one then, if it doesn’t match still, rip and redo the second……

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