As I think of it, I’ll add fiber terms and acronyms used in my blog here.

Andean Plying
Method of wrapping singles on your hand for creating a 2-ply yarn.
  • Rudy Amman wrote up a great article in Summer 2007 Spin-Off on how to use this technique to finish off the second bobbin in a 2-ply yarn.
  • Another illustrated guide to Andean Plying.
Acronym for Bluefaced Leicester. This is a long stapled wool with the fiber quality in the high 50s-60s Bradford count range.  The fiber is soft enough for next to skin wear. It also has beautiful sheen and drape that makes it beautiful for outerwear.
Circular Sock Machine
Chain Ply
Also known as “Navajo Ply.” It’s the process of creating a 3 ply yarn from a single thread by a series of chains, similar to chaining in crochet.
  • See “Spinning Basics: Plying Chained Singles” by Dodie Rush in Spin-Off, Spring 2006, pp 30-32.
  • Joy of Handspinning has a good description and video of the process.
  • Rexanne has a great how-to video on YouTube.
  • Tip:
    • I find it easier to have the lazy kate on the same side as the hand that is creating the loops (the back hand). There is less reaching across the body and, therefore, less awkwardness.
    • Chain plying is also a great way to finish up the partial bobbins when you are creating a regular 3 ply yarn.
Ends Per Inch.
Weight of fiber.
Wraps per Inch. It is the most common way to measure yarn thickness.
  • A chart of WPI to yarn weight equivalency.
  • Tip:
    • When measuring bulky yarn, wrap at least 2 inches worth and divide by the number of inches wrapped to derive wpi.
    • When measuring lace yarn, you can wrap 1/2″ worth and multiply by 2 to derive wpi.
Yards per pound.