Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: May 2010

Just in time

For the warm weather that is…

I finished the Ribbed Cap back in December. But the length really bugged me. It was too long to not roll up, but not quite long enough for it to look right rolled. It just wasn’t wearable by my standards.

This week, I buckled and ripped it out to just below the crown shaping and reworked it. I added about 1.5 – 2 more inches to the length, and removed the top knot. I like it much, much better. And I would actually wear this version.

Yes. Just in time for 80F weather. But with this strange spring, I might actually have a chance to wear it before summer really hits.

With the remainder of the yarn, I made a little neck warmer.

I created a small little triangle bit below the cowl to tuck into the V of a jacket or a sweater. This would be much less bulky to wear than a traditional scarf, but a little more coverage at the neckline. I hate it when the wind cuts through the gap between where the scarf ends and the jacket/sweater ends. This little triangle bit can be tucked in for a bit of extra protection.

There are still a few things that I would change, but over all, I like it. This little creation has quite a bit of design opportunities. I made this plain with maximum wind protection. But I can see this with a bit of lace to dress it up. Can’t you?

Failed Experiment

Browsing through Weavolution last week, I came across a Weave-Along on the Rigid Heddle list. See post #28 (sorry, can’t figure out how to link to a specific post). I was obsessed with trying this out.

So, yesterday, I measured out a 70″ warp (enough for 2 small table toppers) and went to town. It took me 4+ hours to warp this darn thing and tie on two continuous heddle string/bar (for shafts 2 & 3). Then an hour to heave the first 2″. 5 hours into this thing and I have something that I wouldn’t give to my cat as a cat bed.

Problems? Tension on the warp, to name one. But more importantly, threads 2 & 3 share the slot in the rigid heddle. These get completely muddled up and I can’t get a clean shed on 2 & 3. I spend 2-4 minutes on each shed, trying to clear it. A girl can go grey weaving this. Oh, wait, I already am turning grey. Never mind.

Here are a series of pictures to show Heather that it is possible to do a diamond twill on a Cricket. If one had the perseverance, that is.

Tie up in progress. 1 thread through the hole; 2 threads through the slot.

Wonky tension and 1 threading error aside, here's what it looks like on the loom. You can see 3/4 of a diamond here.

The back shows the diamond more dramatically.

Yup. I’ve cut the puppy off. I was going to put it onto the Gilmore, but I’ve changed my mind. It’s not worth the < $10 in yarn to try and salvage this. I’ll re-purpose the yarn for tying up warp chains or something.

The yarn? Paton Grace 100% mercerized cotton from Michael’s. It’s approximately the same size as 3/2 cotton.

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