Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: January 2003 Page 2 of 4

2 Socks on 2 Circulars

2s2c-1.jpgYesterday, I decided to do the Socknitter’s Cybersocks class for 2 Socks on 2 Circulars. It’s something that I’ve never tried. After reading through the Lesson 2 instructions once, I decided to go for it — by memory. Bad idea. Since I’m a visual person, and I paid more attention to Sheron’s pictures than her text and I’ve always used Cat’s method for joining the two ends. Needless to say, I made a huge mess and had the yarn on opposite end of the needles at the end of the first round. It’s a-frogging I went.

Instead of dogging it, I chickened out and used Sheron’s method of pulling the end between the first and second stitch. Wow. It worked.

The yarn that I’m using is Koigu Kersti Merino Crepe, knitted on US #2, with 7.5 stitches to an inch. I casted on 48 stitches. I don’t know how this will wear, but it’s really, really soft. It’s a cabled yarn (3×3).

ll-tahoe.jpgHere’s the picture of the first 2 bobbins of the Lorna’s Laces rovings. Navajo plied, it’s about sock weight. I have 350 yards so far.

My imagination is running wild with possibilites on what I will make with it.

Finished one of Mom’s socks. I decided not to cast on the other sock yet to work on the Cybersock class.

Horse’s Ass

Yes, we all know that the State of Washington has a problem. Okay, 2 problems. Tim Eyman and the state initiative process. Specifically, Tim Eyman’s exploitation of the state initiative process for personal gain. So, all I can say is “Where do I sign this new initiative? Tim Eyman is a Horse’s Ass

Spinning … I finished plying my second spool of Lorna’s Laces wool. I’ll take a picture tomorrow.

Pager Duty … is OVAH! (I love Iron Chef) Woohoo! Unfortunately, 6 hours after getting off call … 30 minutes after getting home, my cell phone rings … the person who is on rotation? His laptop is dead. And he’s my boss. Augh! Martin started busting out laughing when he heard me whine on the phone “but I covered for you last time!” Thank goodness, he’s getting someone else, after I sent a couple of emails out for him. Sigh. I shoulda listened to him … “don’t answer your cell phone!” My advice for Rick? Get someone else on your speed dial! Program the other members of the team’s cell phone numbers in your cell phone.

Lorna’s Laces

I just saw an announcement today on Socknitters that Lorna sold Lorna’s Laces to Beth Casey. I’m whining because I am pretty new to Lorna’s Laces and I’ve really enjoyed the hand-dyed yarns, and now her rovings. I’m sure Beth will add her own touches to the products to make Lorna’s Laces hers. I wish both of them the best.

As I’ve stated in my earlier entry, I’m in self-imposed exile from knitting needles this week. I have to say,it’s been really rough. I see wonderful knitted items everywhere I go, and keep thinking … “gee, I can make that” or “ooo, what luscious yarn, I bet that would make a wonderful ” or “wow, that’s gorgeous! I have some leftover Kureyon that I can use…”

It hasn’t helped reading all the knitting/fiber blogs out there and seeing pictures of various stash enhancements.

I’ve been using the few minutes here and there between monitoring the jobs by spinning that luscious Lorna’s Laces rovings in Tahoe colorway. What wonderful stuff. I have a 182 yards of navajo plied hank (one bobbin full), and another bobbin almost ready for plying.

Anyway, 18 more hours of pager rotation, and my self imposed knittting exile. Tomorrow evening, I have a fun and exciting evening planned … early bed time, and no pager and cell phone on the night stand. woohoo! They won’t even make it to the bedroom. I might even treat myself to a visit to one of the yarn stores and fondle some fiber on Saturday.

That’s for me tonight. The database from hell is calling me. I really need to have it completed so they (the users) can prepare for next week’s financial results conference call.

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