This handspun painted merino (2 oz, 320 yds, navajo plied, 20wpi) …

Became this (8.5″H x 8.25″W, 60″ I-cord strap) …

Which became this (6.5″H x 6.25″W, 57″ strap) after one run through the washer with some towels …

I’ve had this little project in the back of my mind for several months now — ever since my “geek” bag bit the dust. What’s a geek bag? It was a small little cotton bag I bought while in Mexico years ago. I used this to hold all my little gadgets … the cell phone, the PDA, and the old pager (which I don’t have anymore). This allowed me to carry my gadgets around from meeting to meeting fashionably, instead of having them hanging off of various parts of my body. And it was easy to transfer between my computer bag and my Coach bag when I’m not at work.

Unfortunately, that unlined, loosely woven cotton was no match for all that electronics and ripped.

I wanted to replace it with something a little more sturdy. But I really liked how light and portable it was. I did not want a thick felt. But something a little more delicate.

So 2 weekends ago, I picked out this roving I had sitting around for quite a while (Royal Rhapsody colorway from, purchased at Spinster’s Cottage), and spun it up into a lace weight yarn. I navajo plied it because I wanted to retain the colorwork. During the course of the week, I knitted up the bag, and then felted it over the next weekend. A very nice 10 day project (with lots of work in between).

To cast off at the “top” (the flap), I used a 3 stitch I-cord cast-off, with some extra unattached stitches at the center of the flap, to be used as a loop for a button closure. I seamed the sides with 5 stitch I-cord, that transitioned into the strap, and then picked up the edges on the opposite side to finish the seam.

My only problem with this bag is that the strap didn’t felt as much as I wanted. I think I will try to felt it some more in the sink. Also, there were a few “thin” spots where the yarn was a little too fine. However, since it felted nicely around these thin spots, I don’t think it will be a problem. It’s not big enough to put my wallet in, but as long as I have room for a credit card, a few bills, I’m happy.

I might try again, and adjust the pattern slightly.

Oh, I didn’t use all the yarn that I spun up. I still have 0.8 oz remaining, so the bag used just a hair less than 200 yards. I think I will knit one or two small bags, stuff them with some lavender.