I’ve had to rip out everything I’ve knitted this week, for one reason or another. As I said earlier, I had to rip out the heel of Mom’s sock. And now, even though I had swatched the sweater vest, the guage is still not right. I’m not enjoying the yarn I chose too much either. Maybe subconsciously, I don’t want a sweater vest made out of this yarn? Maybe it wan’t to be something else. Hm, that’s a positive spin to all this. Martin calls me a Pollyanna.

In any case, I’m going to take a short hiatus from knitting and do some spinning. The guild is doing more cardboard weaving this week, so that will be good. I also need to finish spinning up the churro fleece for the guild joint rug project. So spinning it is. Perhaps I can perfect the navajo ply this week. Yes, I’ve done it once, successfully. But once does not make one proficient. It may mean that I merely got lucky. And to put some extra pressure on myself, I’m going to use some of that luscious Lorna’s Laces rovings I bought before Christmas.

Being On Call

18 hours into it, and it hasn’t been too bad. The pager has only gone off once. But since the page came through during the work day yesterday, it doesn’t really count. (If you don’t count the one that Martin sent me at 12:02PM that said “tick, tick, tick … you’re on call now”)

The downside of the weekend is that I’ve been fighting fires at work all week, and have stacked up a whole list of projects that “I can do this over the weekend, since I’m going to be on-call anyway…” Sigh. Now I have to spend the entire weekend in front of the computer whether the pager goes off or not.