Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: November 2004 Page 1 of 3

Fall Colors

We do have seasons in SoCal; the signs are just more subtle.
I started a new project Nov 13.
Inspired by these colors in the garden.
I made so much progress this weekend because I caught a headcold and napped and knitted the long weekend away.
The other body half and sleeve is finished but not photographed. The finished sweater will resemble Colleen Davis’ Triangle Mambo Sunset. Only I took the pattern with me to the hospital while waiting for Iris to get out of surgery (tonsillectomy) and left it in the recovery room in the mayhem.

At that point, I had finished 1.5 front half sides and memorized the triangle technique. The pattern was very terse anyway and I didn’t like the way she reduced for the triangles. I reversed the shaping (K2tog at beg, ssk at end of rows) to keep the stitches more vertical. Instead of making the sleeves with more triangles, I just knit away in a tube. I didn’t like the way she finished the back neckline and made up my own way there, too. The sweater was a hit and this is now V2, for my SIL.

Something Old

Crochet DoilyWhile going through my father-in-law’s house last week, I found a few things that I had made for my in-laws over the years. One of them was this doily that I made for Tina nearly 15 years ago. It was stuffed somewhere, wine stain and all. Martin found it and put it aside for me.

Here it is, all blocked out. It really needs to see some oxi-clean or bleach to get the wine stain out. And a little starch probably wouldn’t hurt. It’s about 30 inches in diameter. Aside from some smaller doilies, this was the last major crochet project that I did.

Good bye, Brian. You will be missed.


I discovered that I can knit and use the elliptical trainer at the same time this morning. 25 minutes never went so fast.

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