Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: January 2004 Page 2 of 3

Hemingway Update

He came home this morning, and is starting to perk up. Waldo was pretty worried about him this morning. He gave Hemingway a thorough sniff-over when Hemingway first got out of the crate.

The current theory on the seizure is caused (indirectly) by the new diabetic cat maintenance food that the vet put him on last week. It may have stabilized his blood glucose level to the point that he either doesn’t need his 2x daily insulin shots anymore, or we may need to adjust the amount that we give him. In any case, he’s cuddled up against Rosie Toes now and purring.

Thank goodness.

Class 5 Rapids

Warning: No fiber content here.

Not much is happening here. Life has gotten a little too interesting, and not much time for fiber activities. Our old Volvo didn’t pass smog inspection, so there was a mad dash to get a new car. But it was hung up in Oregon during the big ice storm, because we bought it through our credit union up there.

We had looked at a small Yacht Club back during the summer as a possible place to replace the community that we had at The Center for Wooden Boats in Seattle. It was a great group of people to just hang out with, share our passions with boating, and the public programs. The membership coordinator called us up 10 days ago to invite us to the monthly dinner meeting. When we walked through the door, we found out that we were there for the initial interview. Whew! By the end of that, Martin was roped into teaching the Junior Sailing program the next morning, and we were invited on a cruise out this past weekend. I think we are still reeling from all that.

On top of that, we heard from our landlord last week that he is in a housing crunch of his own, and want to move back into our place. We need to vacate premises by March 1st. Ugh! We haven’t even settled in yet! But the good news is that we haven’t fully unpacked yet, so there’s little packing to do.

But the really good news is that found another place. It’s less than a mile away, and scads more room. It doesn’t have the beautiful koi pond, but it does have lots of patios for whatever I feel like — reading, spinning, knitting, or napping. Perhaps we can install a little burbling fountain for meditation purposes.

So, everything culminated this weekend. The cruise out, the sailing instruction, and we took delivery of the new car. All we were waiting for was finding out if our application for the rental was accepted or not.

Today, we signed the lease. Yea!

When we finally thought that we could breath again, Hemingway went into a diabetic seizure again. Martin made a run to the kitty emergency room this afternoon. Hemingway is spending the night at the ER, with a glucose IV. He’s not stabilizing on his own like he did last time. Now, we just wait.

Just in case you think that I’m complaining. I’m not. It just has been a heck of a 10 days. We are still reeling from all of this.

Spam Ad Wanted

Just what did my spam filter do with all those member enlargement ads? The Klein Bottle Hat is in dire need of SOMETHING. The yarn was too fine to do the job, and the darn thing was as limp as a … well, let’s just say it needed a little blue pill.

Yes, past tense. I ripped it out yesterday. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it. I have all this beautiful, soft, sock weight singles.

I had 2 half pound bumps of this roving. I spun up 1 bump. I haven’t decided if I want to spin the second bump the same way or not.

I worry that the single won’t wear well as socks. I’m thinking maybe a pair of gloves and a pair of wrist warmers. The office got quite cold this past week for some reason. And wrist warmers would be just the thing to cure that. Besides which, the colors are the company colors.

I thought about making a sweater or vest with the rest of the wool, but the repeats are too short to make the colors jump. I’ve sketched out a strip vest pattern, but I’m not sure that’s what I really want. Today, I also picked up an entrelac vest pattern, where the squares are fairly small, and should make little blocks of color. Another thought would be make a shawl/blanket with little mitered squares.

After making the gloves and wrist warmers, I think I’ll toss these skeins back into a box and let them cogitate on the possibilities. We’ll see.

I starte a top down V-necked raglan with yet another handspun. This was something that I spun and navajo plied late last spring. I have about 950 yards of DK or light worsted weight yarn. I’ll see how far it will go. All I know is that it won’t be full length sleeves. I might finish it off with some commercial black yarn for the ribbing.

And now for something totally silly … I was feeling a little punchy last week and decided to help our neighbors across the pond by putting this little poster together. (You are welcome to link to it, but please do not copy it. Thanks.)

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