Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: February 2003 Page 2 of 5

Marching Along

Not much happening this week, I’m afraid. I’m on call again, and I start my motorcycle safety class tomorrow night and all day Saturday and Sunday. Very little fiber stuff happening this week.

Sunday, I started the PW Timber Frame using that moss green yarn I bought a month or so back (the one that refused to be either of the 2 projects I started on it). I got some black for a 2 color vest. I’m practicing the PW FI method before I get started on my kit.

New camera came via UPS yesterday. So far, I like it. The clarity is wonderful. It even takes little movies! Now I just have to install the software and start learning the other side of it. Once I get that figured out, I can start posting pictures taken from it.

That’s it. Night all.

Fuzzy Feet and Philosopher’s Wool

EliSpot in bedIt’s been cold in Seattle. Okay, not as cold as back East, but definitely chilly here for Seattle (mid thirties). EliSpot definitely thinks so. She burrowed herself under the down comforter for her afternoon nap. She’s not pleased that I disturbed her nap.

Ta Da … may I present to you … The Fuzzy Feet!

Fuzzy Feet!

The pink one on the left with the fuzzy cuff is mine, and the grey with purple cuff is Martin’s. I haven’t had time to felt them yet. I’ll do that tonight or later this week.

Hollyberry Kilim JacketI went to the Philosopher’s Wool workshop and saw all those wonderful sweaters up close. I tried on a few and touched a lot. What wonderful stuff. Eugene entertained us with his storytelling while Ann taught us how to weave in our fair isle stitches, steeks, getting over the fear of cutting into our knitting, and how to size and do the final fit on the sweaters — and how to resize.

It was a really fun workshop. We knitted along while they talked. We looked at all the colourways and all the different knit patterns. Unfortunately, my sinus headache got to the point where I couldn’t see straight at the end of the workshop. All I could do was keep knitting in order to concentrate on what Ann and Eugene were talking about (and to take my mind off of the headache). As soon as I stopped knitting, I had to leave. I barely got home. But not before I bought my kit (grin). Once home, I crawled into bed in a dark room for several hours before I felt human again.

It was a difficult decision, but this is the kit that I finally decided on … the Kilim Jacket in the Hollyberry Colorway. Oops, I mean “colourway.”

Socknitter’s CyberSock Class — 2 socks on 2 circulars update

I finished these a while back but haven’t taken the pictures. You can see them here.

Changes and Introductions

I’ve been tweaking the web log layouts a bit. Bear with me. Sorry if you got some garbaged up pages while I’ve been playing around with my stylesheets. I’m aiming for less scrolling, but we’ll see how this goes. I might tweak it some more this weekend.

I’d like to introduce my sister, Grace. I’ve added her as an author to my web logs and she’ll be an occassional contributor here. She has an adorable little girl named Iris. Say hi to Grace! I’ve categorized our entries so that you can just look at the entries by either one of us. The default view is double the fun!

Needless to say, I haven’t accomplished anything in terms of the second slipper sock. I’ll work on it during CSI.

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