
Here is the fulled shawl. Click on the picture to see additional pictures. This was fulled by soaking in hot water for 30 minutes or so, and spun dry. The weave is still a bit loose for my taste, so I’ll probably wash it again. The length (from top edge to the tip of the triangle) shrank at a much higher rate than the width. But that happened when I took it off the loom, even before it was fulled. How do you correct for the tension when it is a continuous thread? Hmm, more experimentation is required.

12-tri-corner.jpgI actually like the unfinished side edges. The edge is fairly neat and tidy. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the top edge. It’s a bit too ragged for me. Does anyone know if this is normal? Or was this because of my nail spacing error that I corrected after the shawl was 50% complete. Per my yesterday’s post, I had a 25 cm gap up in the corner to start with. I pounded in a couple or more nails and then moved the rows up, one by one.

(And to the eagle eyes out there, yes, it is an oopsie near the point. I didn’t notice it until much later, and I didn’t want to rip it out. And due to the nature of the triangle loom weaving method, there is a matching uh-oh on the other corner.)

I wore it to work today as a scarf. It is nice, soft, and warm. And, it doesn’t add a lot of bulk under a jacket like a knitted scarf can.