What do you get when you put a warping board, Knitpicks Bare sock yarn, and some dye together?

On the Warping Board
I love it when a tool can serve double duty. The warping board pegs are about 18″ apart — a bit more than the recommended 15″, but close enough for me!

Ready to Dye
All tied off and ready to dye!

Dipped and Ready to Steam
Dipped in dye stock, wrapped in plastic wrap, and ready for zapping in the microwave. Unfortunately, after 3 minutes in the nuker, I realized I forgot to add vinegar! Smooshed some vinegar into each pouch and back to the nuker.

I couldn’t wait. I washed and dried the yarn in the dryer (gotta love superwash sock yarn) and knitted this up right away. I think it turned out pretty well! I’m not fond of the blue in there, but it still doesn’t look to bad.

Would I do this again? Quite honestly? I don’t know. It was a pain to wind off the yarn. Part of the problem was that I felted it slightly when smooshing in the vinegar and then the dryer action. But it still was a pain in the butt to wind off because you can’t do it on a swift. I hung it up on the pegs to wind off gently from the warping board. It was slow going. Then, I wound off to a center pull ball, and then divided into 2 somewhat equal center pull balls so that they start at the same location in the color repeats. Very tedious. I think the winding off part took as long as all the rest put together! But I do love how crisp the lines are.