When your cramps are so bad, it wakes you up in the middle of the night. Advil isn’t doing it. You lay there moaning and wishing you could die right there and then. Can’t sleep. Can’t focus to read. Besides, your cat — the one with the toothy fang — really wants to get back to sleep, wishes that you would stop moving, and isn’t afraid to use that fang to show you her displeasure. What do you do?

You get up and spin.

z plied silk

20 grams of over-plied silk with a z-twist. Can you guess what’s next on the agenda?

This is leftover Chasing Rainbow tussah in colorway Tussah. I spun this from the fold to about fingering weight. I don’t know how many yards this is, but it’s for sampling purposes only. I’m getting ready for a bigger project.