Not a whole lot of exciting things happening here. I can’t seem to focus on much lately, and haven’t wanted to commit to a new project with so many unfinished projects around. So, instead of actually picking up one of those UFOs and working on them, I created UFOs.

Huh? Create UFOs yet not start on new projects? How does that work?

Case in point. I mentioned that I would have liked the new vest to be a few inches longer? I had another skein of the pink yarn, so there really wasn’t any reason to rip out the old waist and re-knit.  Now, it’s 2″ longer and my lower back is much happier, thank you.

Another vest on my vest shelf that hasn’t gotten a lot of wear because something was always “off” about it. That’s the Timber Frame vest from 4 years ago.

See all that rippling around the neck and armholes? Barb always said that I should rip them out and re-knit. She’s right. But I’ve never done it. But since I was in a ripping mood, I pulled it out and started to work away at it.

The neck? I reduced the neck ribbing by 1/2″. I probably should have ripped it all the way back and reduce it by a few stitches, but I thought to try this first.

The armholes? I ripped it back and reduced the number of stitches by about 10% (1 stitch for every 10, or there abouts) and knitted a much shorter ribbing.

Here’s what it looks like now. I only finished right armhole (left side on this picture). See how much better it looks already? I really think I can live with the neckline. But the other armhole? I’m thinking that my neck is off centered and I may have to redo that arm steek. But if I cut more, then the arm scythe will be much deeper on one side than the other. Dang. I knew I didn’t like that willy-nilly steek method! Looks like there will be something wonky no matter what.

Hmm. Maybe I can re-cut the neckline wider toward the left, thus centering it. Worth considering.