Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent


Amy's lace weight singles

This skein is from Amy. We exchanged a skein of our own handpaint handspun lace weight singles a couple of weeks ago. I have to say, these colors are gorgeous. I need to figure out how to get really saturated colors, instead of the muted colors I’ve been getting. (I think the answer is “more dye”) And her singles are absolutely even, and a little thicker than mine, which I love. I can’t seem to spin anything remotely resembling this when I try for something fatter. Practice. And this is why I wanted an exchange. See other handspuns and set a goal for myself.

I had promised myself that I wouldn’t start anything new until I finish some of my backlog, but I may need to dive into this skein soon. It’s too lovely to sit around.

Annie Modesitt Sling ChairAnd this lovely thing is a sling chair made by Annie Modesitt. How I got it is a long story. The short version is that Annie stayed with my sister, Grace, while in LA filming for a TV show. This was the chair she made during the taping. Isn’t it gorgeous? I love the colors. It came with a copy of Confessions of a Knitting Heretic. A wonderful book.

Unfortunately, the TV folks ordered a chair frame that was shorter than the one that Annie normally uses. So, This is what happens when you actually sit in it. Mind you, part of the problem is my short little legs. Martin almost cracked a rib, he was laughing so hard. Instead of helping me out of the chair, he ran for the camera.

10-sm-sweater.jpgSay goodbye to this sweater in progress. This has been languishing in my UFO pile for several months now. I got to the armhole shaping part of the sweater when it stalled. In my no-new-projects-until-I-get-some-finished process, I looked deep inside myself and asked why this project stalled. I hate it. Okay, hate is too strong of a word. It’s just not what I envisioned for this yarn while I was spinning it. I think in the back of my mind, I always knew it. So, I ripped it out, and it’s now sitting patiently in a ball for me to decide what I want to do with it. Perhaps this?



Squealing Like a Girl-y



1 Comment

  1. Amy

    Part of the dye saturation is that I use a good amount of dye but Romney really soaks up the dye and takes it so nicely. The same amount of dye on merino and it comes out much lighter. The romney was also a combed wool which acts totally different than carded wool. I’m getting a set of combs this weekend so I can comb all my raw fleece instead of carding it.

    Great photo sitting in the chair!

    I love that leaf shawl. I’ve been wanting to do it myself but I’m stuck on sweaters lately.

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