Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Mobius Basket

Mobius Basket, felted

I present you, Mobius Basket! I must say, I am itching to make another one right now. A tall skinny one to use as a pen/pencil holder. I’m going digging into my stash.

Spun Skein - Paradise Fibers Winter SolsticeIt was a beautiful day yesterday (70F +), so I took my spinning wheel outside and played for a bit. Every once in a while, a male Anna’s Hummingbird, in full mating plumage, would buzz over my head to get to the hummingbird feeder. What a beautiful sight. Our big disappointment in moving from the cottage is that we won’t be there for the nesting season. We had 2 hummingbird nests within 4 feet of the front door. I had never seen one before, and was hoping to see them build the nest and lay eggs.

Spring tip for Spinners: Gather up all that scrap fiber. You know, all that awful bits that are too horrible to spin. Put them in a mesh bag and hang them on a tree for the birds to gather for nesting materials.


Remembering 228


About Mobius Strips


  1. Debra

    Would you post the directions for the basket? I have never felted, but your basket has persuaded me to try. It is gorgeous.

  2. Ann

    Sorry, I can’t do that. This is one of the test patterns for Cat Bordhi’s new book, due out this summer. Look for it. There are lots of super fun projects.

    If you want to dive into felting right away, there are several wonderful project ideas and articles on felting in Knitty (http://www.knitty.com). There’s also the Booga Bag (http://www.blacksheepbags.com/booga_bag.html).

    If you really have your heart set on baskets, you might see if you can pick up the Summer 2003 issue of Interweave’s SpinOff (http://www.interweave.com/spin/spinoff_magazine/back_issues/su-03.asp). There’s a wonderful article on felted unspun roving baskets. You can substitute worsted weight yarn, I believe, for these patterns. Lamb’s Pride might be a good choice.

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