Fiber Musings

Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Indigo in the news!


A piece of 6,000-year-old fabric, dyed indigo blue. (Lauren Urana)

Researchers found evidence of indigo dyed fabric in Peru from over 6,000 years ago! How cool is that? This dates further back than previously found indigo from Egypt (by over 1,500 years).

Zoom Zoom


If after my last post, you thought that I had been Zooming along, you would be correct. This is just a portion of the squares that I’ve woven.

What are those tags, you ask? These squares have been mordanted (in 10% alum solution) and ready for a natural dye workshop later this month. We will be working with Osage Orange and Cochineal.

No worries. I will be approaching the dye workshop with my usual AR/scientific approach, hence the number of squares for just 2 dye materials.

Why squares? I just wasn’t into dyeing lots of little tiny skeins of yarn that I have no idea what to do with after the workshop is over. I thought long and hard about what I can do with small bits of yarn and Zoom Loom squares came to mind. Rather than dyeing yarn and, gasp! cut the yarn and throw away bits, I thought I would weave them into squares first.

The idea is that I would piece the squares into a gamp-like lap blanket. This means a whole lot more plain white squares need to be woven up.

Yarn — unknown 2 ply white wool yarn from my workshop bits bin. I won’t have enough yarn to weave the number of squares I need for a lap blanket. I’ll have to figure out what type of wool this so I can try and make more yarn to match. I know it is a sturdy wool. This princess doesn’t have much “sturdy” wool stashed. Hopefully, there are enough workshop fiber that I can figure something out.



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