Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: October 2013 Page 1 of 2

Tickled Pink

A little over a year ago, I received an email through this blog by someone from Fairchild Books about one of the photos from a post I made over four years ago. I had never heard of the publisher but I was curious, so I replied back.

As it turns out, they wanted to used one of my project photos in the 8th edition of The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles.

After a quick check with Daryl that this is a legitimate request, I said yes. Why not? I have nothing to lose.

After a bit of back and forth, we had a one page contract to use my images. I sent them the original, as high resolution as I had, photos. With a bit of prompting from Daryl, I asked for a copy of the book in return for the use of the images.

Fast forward a year…I had forgotten about it. I knew it was to be published sometime late summer/early fall of 2013. A few weeks ago, I checked on Amazon and yes! the book was published! I sent a quick email to the person who contacted me. She had already moved on but her manager put a copy of the book out to me that very same day.

Then I forgot all about it…again. SOAR happened. (More on SOAR in another post.)

Last night, I came home after dark and almost tripped over the package on my way to the front door. I didn’t remember ordering any books recently that hadn’t already been delivered. I was at a loss as to what it was.

I opened the package and there is was. My comp copy of Fairchild. I quickly flipped through, and sure enough, there was my name in the credits section and the photo on page 568.

Yes, I’m tickled pink — even if it is an esoteric tome that very few people have ever heard of.


I normally leave the refashioning posts to my sister, but I did a little repurposing* of my own this weekend.


My favorite 10 year old cheapo Ikea duvet cover had become threadbare and sprouted holes. I love the block prints and I wasn’t ready to dump it.

Last spring, Joann’s was having a sale on cotton quilt batting. I decided to turn the duvet into a cotton blanket.

This project has been sitting in my project basket since spring and I finally got around to it this weekend. I played around with my Bernina’s decorative stitches to break up the lines of straight stitches. A few strategically placed scrap linen from another project covered up the major holes. Not the best sewing machine quilting job I’ve ever done, but it serves its purpose. I get to keep my favorite bed textile around for a while longer.

Last week’s highs of 90F has now turned to night time lows of mid 40s. I think I missed the window where this blanket will be usable.

This has turned out so well that I’m looking at wool batting for the next duvet cover turned blanket project to carry me through fall. But given my track record, I’ll finish in time for the next 90F spell.

* Does this really qualify as a repurposing project? It’s original purpose was a blanket/comforter cover. I just turned it into a permanent blanket. It’s basic function hasn’t changed.


Wensleydale Bouclé

Wensleydale Bouclé

Last spring, Shelia gave me a couple of small bumps of rovings from her naturally colored Wensleydale lambs. I sat down to spin them as singles, with the intent of using them as semi lace weight singles. Somewhere along the way, I thought they would be great for me to experiment with spinning bouclé.

I’ve spun bouclé in various spinning classes, under careful guidance of the instructor, but I’ve never tried them on my own. (Successfully, that is.)

Core and binding threads are handspun tussah singles, spun S. Wensleydale was spun Z, core spun on the tussah single S, then plied Z.

What I’ve learned: bouclé is a bit challenging for someone with OCD. I wanted to keep stopping to make the loops even and evenly spaced. It took a while to just let it happen.

There’s still a lot of room for improvement, but now I’m looking at all my longwools with an eye toward lots more loops.

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