Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: September 2013 Page 1 of 2

Treadling Along


Rosepath Sampler

Playing with one of my favorite drafts: Rosepath. I love the seemingly endless variations just by changing treadle order. After weaving off a set of fingertip towels for a housewarming present, I set to play with the leftover warp. I was able to get 4 more square towels off the loom. The last one was a bit dodgy and took careful and painfully slow placements of warm and extenders to weave the last few inches.

For this particular towel, I attempted to seamlessly shift from one pattern to another.


  • Yarn: 8/2 cotton
  • Sett: 20 epi
  • 288 ends

P.S. Apparently, it is possible to make 10 fingertip towels in a weekend from winding the warp to washing, pressing, and hemming. I skipped my usual labeling though.

Madder Shibori #2


Shibori with Madder

While the yarn was curing, I decided to put a few pieces of fabric into the dye bath and see what would happen. I mordanted a piece of silk with alum acetate and then folded, stitched, clmaped and tied them. I left them in the dye bath for a week. The daily temperature has been in the high 80F. In the pot, I think it reached about 100F.


This is what the fabric scraps looked like after a week. It took several days before the color started to show, but once it did, it developed quickly. I will let it cure for a few days before I rinse them.

The dye bath still had color but it really started to smell. So, out it went.

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