Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: September 2007 Page 1 of 2

Deleted post and failed technology

Sorry to anyone reading my blog from a feed. While technology didn’t
completely fail me, it also didn’t do what I wanted.

Yes, I can post via email from my cell — as long as it is plain text.
If I wanted to send a picture taken with the camera phone…well,
let’s just say that didn’t work. Word Press took that as a MIME
encrypted file and posted a bunch of gobblygook.

I’ll try posting via the normal manner from the library tomorrow,
since I don’t have Internet access at my cottage, except via my cell
phone. Hence the experiment.

Life in the Ferry Lane

Port Townsend-Keystone Ferry; Keystone side
Port Townsend-Keystone Ferry, coming into Keystone.

Waldo at Keystone Ferry
Waldo: waiting patiently for the Ferry at Keystone.

Ferry Sign
Sign seen in the women’s bathroom on one of the Mulkiteo-Clinton ferries.

View of the sunset from my deck.

Life slows down on the island. Clocks don’t matter, unless you are trying to catch a ferry. Even then, there’s always the next ferry.

I’m off to Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival in Canby.

Posting will be a bit sporadic, even more so than normal. I have no internet access at my cottage.


My sock knitting has languished, mostly because I have had no use for socks down here in California. Land of perpetual sun. But I’m spending the next month up in Washington. Land of perpetual rain. I need socks.

I dug out all my socks in progress, and found 4. This photo only shows 3 because I’m not happy with the 4th and will re-purpose the yarn.

Socks in Progress

Why am I showing you this? I’m taking these up to Washington and vow to finish these while I’m up there. Not only that, I’m taking a large assortment of sock yarn with me. All socks that I finish during my vacation will stay up in the cabin, for future trips.

You’ll recognize the hand paint from my self-patterned socks dye experiment. The other 2 pairs are Trekking XXL. I love this yarn.

Aside: Would you believe all 4 pairs of socks were on 2mm needles? In spite of this fact, I have even more 2mm needle. You know, just in case I decide to cast on for even more socks. The really interesting note is that all 4 pairs are worked over different number of stitches: 60, 64, 68, and 72. Huh. And they all fit.

That brings up the next topic. Why are we so optimistic when we pack our projects when we go on trips? Why do we think that we will read the 20 books on our nightstand, finish the 4 sweaters that we have in progress, various socks, lace shawls, AND pack more yarn and fiber to spin? If we haven’t been able to get to all of these in the past 12 months (or more), what makes us think that we can finish them in 4 measly weeks? Not to mention the watercolor paints that I plan on bringing with me — just in case, you know, that I have the urge to paint while walking on the beach with my dog.

Just call me Pollyanna.

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