"Duet for a Silk Brick" in Interweave Spin-Off's free eBook "A Guide to Spinning Silk Fibers"

Have you ever had the experience after you buy a new car or coat or whatever, then you see that exact same item EVERYWHERE? Apparently, that’s called “Perceptual Vigilance.”

What does that have to do with a free eBook? The photo on the left is a from the article “Duet for a Silk Brick” from Interweave Spin-Off /Spinning Daily’s free eBook, my jacket. When this article first came out (yes, each of the projects in the eBook is a reprint of past Spin-Off articles), I was inspired, but I didn’t really weave then, so I only skimmed the weaving part of the article. My brain looked at the fabric and thought that it was just a weft faced fabric, not satin. Now, with my jacket fabric under my belt, I think I am ready to tackle this one.